October 04, 2024

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 Best Programs
programs paying over 100 days with payout ratio over 1.25, also there were no missed payments and negative responses

UCTraders Limited
  (Instant Withdrawal)    B E S T
Status: PAYING.
Category: HYIP.
Since: May 24, 2019.
Minimum deposit: $30
Maximum deposit: n/a
Referral bonus: 0.35%
Languages: English.
DDoS Protection from: DDOS-GUARD.NET.
Last payout: 10/04/2024 07:54
Lifetime: 1,961 days.

Program details
Payout and RCB Statistics

Monitored: 1,961 days.
Payouts: 2% weekly for 104 weeks and principal back.
Money system: PerfectMoney, USDT TRC20.
SSL: is available.

Investment (listing): $200.00
Profit: $7642.00
Payout ratio: 3821 %

Luxio Profit Ltd
  (Instant Withdrawal)    B E S T
Status: PAYING.
Category: HYIP.
Since: May 10, 2019.
Minimum deposit: $30
Maximum deposit: n/a
Minimum withdrawal: $5.00
Referral bonus: 0.5%
Languages: English.
DDoS Protection from: DDOS-GUARD.NET.
Last payout: 10/04/2024 07:53
Lifetime: 1,975 days.

Program details
Payout and RCB Statistics

Monitored: 1,969 days.
Payouts: 2% weekly for 111 weeks and principal back, 7777% after 200 days, 7.7% daily for 77 trading days and principal back.
Money system: PerfectMoney, USDT TRC20.
SSL: is available.

Investment (listing): $100.00
Profit: $6990.00
Payout ratio: 6990 %

BitcoBid Limited
   B E S T
Status: PAYING.
Category: HYIP.
Since: February 02, 2020.
Minimum deposit: $10
Maximum deposit: $100000
Minimum withdrawal: $5.00
Maximum time for withdrawal: 12 business hours
Referral bonus: 1%
Languages: English.
DDoS Protection from: DDOS-GUARD.NET.
Dedicated IP:
Last payout: 09/18/2024 10:34
Lifetime: 1,707 days.

Program details
Payout and RCB Statistics

Monitored: 1,706 days.
Payouts: 0.5% weekly for 52 weeks and principal back.
Money system: PerfectMoney, USDT TRC20.
SSL: is available.

Investment (listing): $100.00
Profit: $3402.00
Payout ratio: 3402 %

Bitcoin Wealth
  (Instant Withdrawal)    B E S T
Status: WAITING.
Category: HYIP.
Since: December 30, 2019.
Minimum deposit: $30
Maximum deposit: n/a
Referral bonus: 0.5%
Languages: English.
DDoS Protection from: DDOS-GUARD.NET.
Dedicated IP:
Last payout: 10/04/2024 07:54
Lifetime: 1,741 days.

Program details
Payout and RCB Statistics

Monitored: 1,740 days.
Payouts: 2% weekly for 51 weeks and principal back.
Money system: PerfectMoney, USDT TRC20.
SSL: is available.

Investment (listing): $100.00
Profit: $504.00
Payout ratio:
504 %

   DISCLAIMER: We do not promote any programs. The information is based on personal experience and statistics, we do not guarantee its accuracy. All HYIPs investments presuppose high risks. Past Performance of any of programs is no guarantee for the same or similar future performance. Do not spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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